Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Empathy Research with Discover Datasheets

I met with one of my employees in the CeCE Video Studio.  He will soon become a one man show [at least temporarily].  This learning environment will undergo many changes over the next few weeks and it fits very well with the goals of this assignment.  My observations included the obvious set designs in three rooms, the meeting room, and the less obvious but very important missing piece.  I noted the missing piece to be a lack of process documentation and resources for clients using the studio for video production.  This leads to frustration and time consuming tasks for the staff and confusion for the client.  My discovery datasheets include one for the need, a noted problem and a goal. The datasheets helped me identify the next step to reorganization.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracy,

    Thanks for the clear observation data as well as your documentation and notes. I feel like I have a clear vision of what you have seen, as well as the possible implications of your data. Thanks for sharing this.
