Friday, November 4, 2016

Preliminary Empathy Research

Revisions to LUCO
The committee met for the first time in early October.  I observed early in the meeting that the eight members bring an energetic energy and passion for leadership initiatives at UCO.  The diversity of experiences, backgrounds, talents, and goals will both accentuate and complicate the revision process.  

  • What did you learn from competing the Discover Datasheet?
    I learned more about LUCO.  It has been a long time since I was in LUCO and the information shared in the discovery stage along with my personal experience was very helpful.
  • What surprised you?
    The complexity of making the revisions.  At first, the task seemed so simple but considering the overlap with other leadership programs and the need to continue improvements on an already valuable experience, I realized the complexity of the task.
  • What surprised your client?
    To the client, the information appears clear and evident.  To the committee members that have not been working directly with LUCO for years, the information may be difficult to sift thru and determine changes needed.  I think the client was surprised at this.

The first datasheet represents the problems [challenges].  

The second datasheet represents the Need.

The third datasheet represents the Goal.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Tracy. There are indeed complexities here (lack of a specific charge, different perspectives from committee members, overlapping with other leadership programs). You did a good job of capturing these. Now on to the next step!
