Monday, October 31, 2016

Client Empathy Discover Datasheet

Watching Dona handle phone calls, walk-in requests for help, emails, and mounds of paperwork is impressive.  As I observed her for the empathy stage, I paid careful attention to what her goals were to begin the day, how she dealt with "needs" and how she demonstrated accomplishments or marked projects "on-going" for future reference.  The following discover datasheets focus on the discovery types of need, information and goals.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Getting Focused - First Focus Board

I am working with team members to develop the CeCE Video Studio.  The studio is a self-contained environment that provides the potential for creative video solutions for the UCO blended learning community.  The level of effective development of the space will determine the success.

This exercise helped me to isolate many of the specific needs that should be thoroughly addressed.  It is a good way to communicate the needs and responsibilities for all included in the project.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Discover Interview Reflections

I laughed out loud when I read the instructions for this activity because only minutes before I had to step back from a situation and pull out the ole empathy toolbox.  Working in education and with technology means I encounter those that teach very well but know very little about technology, those that teach well….ok but are superstars with technology and those that manage a good balance with both.   It can be a challenge to meet the needs of all levels.  Today I find myself looking for the ways to identify and develop empathy with a professor that is technically challenged in a way that results in a very poor outcome for learners.  

My toolbox:

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes – Consider how long she has taught and how much technology has changed?  Think about the added stress of not knowing how to use technology coupled with embarrassment of asking for help.

Think about the motive for waiting so long to ask for help – What might discourage her from asking for help earlier?

Focus on compassion – Make an intentional effort to respond to her with compassion and seek understanding.

Remove judgments – Discard memories of past experiences and focus on understanding the current situation.

Seek perspectives from others – Check my perceptions of the situation with someone else.

These efforts combine to create empathy and give me a renewed energy to help her resolve the technical challenges both to her benefit and most importantly, for her students.